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Borgo Pinti 57, 50121 Florence IT
(+39) 055.234.2330
Borgo Pinti 57, 50121 Florence IT
(+39) 055.234.2330
IALMS Membership Area
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- Free subscription to peer journal "Lasers in Medical Science", Springer Publisher
- Dedicated Electronic Slides of the last Laser Florence meetings
- Discussion Forum
- Annual IALMS Congress
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- Includes in IALMS list of recommended laser medical centers
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- Membership certificate
- Special price for all congresses and courses sponsored by the IALMS
- Awards for best papers and posters presented in IALMS annual congress
- Grants for best papers and posters presented in annual IALMS congress and published in the proceedings
(+39) 055.234.2330
Via Gioberti, 32/D
50121 Florence IT
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